Friday, November 14, 2008

CNN Hero of the Year

Seriously, if I had only known that this contest existed I would have nominated my husband. He really is an amazing man that gives lots of his time & resources to helping others, everything from buying groceries, paying their bills, yard work, helping pay for their cars to be fixed, moral support, and even helping them rebuild their home when someone was living in an unsafe environment. He really does a lot for others and for our community and I love that about him. I do believe that we are all supposed to take time and give to others whether it be time, friendship, moral or financial support, but what my husband is best at is giving others hope and happiness. He is great at making others smile and helping them enjoy themselves (much of the time he makes them laugh at his expense). I'm only sorry that I wasn't aware of this contest in time consequently, I'm announcing the WINNER of A MOXIE MOM's Hero of the Year Award:

Congrats Corey. We love you!!

Now, as far as CNN is concerned they are putting together their own contest. These men & women are wonderful applicants (I still think that Corey would have won), so choosing just one may be difficult. I really enjoyed reading about the wonderful things that they are all doing!!!

I'm a strong believer in "paying it forward". I want to say a special thanks to any and all of you that aren't on the list that donate your time and your efforts to helping others in need, thank you for sharing the love!!!

Here's a list of the TOP 10 Heroes with details about why they are being considered for this honor. I'm not campaigning for any particular person so here is the why & who so that you can make your own choice.

Top 10 List

All those listed have taken the time and put forth lots of effort to help others in need to make our world a better place. Please take a LITTLE moment to vote. Most people do these wonderful deeds out of the goodness of their hearts I think that honoring them is a nice way for us to say that we appreciate them (and hopefully motivate more people to think of other's needs).

Vote Now


heidi said...

Awesome!!! I love things like this.

And thank you to your cute hubby for being the man he is!!