Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action!


(I love all her smiles, even the fake ones).

We had been struggling about making the right decision regarding entering Lauren in a Pre-K program at a local school.  First, she has been learning things at home at a level that we know that she wouldn’t be learning at school.  I wish I could take the credit for pushing her, but it was her pushing me to find things for her to learn.  I was concerned that she would get bored if they were just going over things that she already knows.  I don’t think that it would hinder her by any means to homeschool, which was the other option that I was heavily weighing.  We may still have to choose to do that someday. 

Now having said that, if you are a long time reader then you know that Lauren is EXTREMELY social.  She loves her friends.  Since she was 6 months old, she has shown the desire to be around other people.  (She once even cried when the couple that came to give us an appraisal on our home had to leave.  I had to explain… “She hates to say goodbye… TO EVERYONE”).  If she had it her way we would have a house large enough to start a live-in community.

She once listened to me visit with a woman who owned a bed & breakfast.  After listening to her tales of all the new people that came to spend the night in her home, Lauren said in such an excited voice, “Oh Mom, she is the LUCKIEST WOMAN I know!”

So needless to say, that choosing to put her into a school environment was difficult and we probably made our choice based on the wrong reasons.  The only thing that a school environment could offer her that we couldn’t at home is the ability to blossom in a social environment. 

We  went to her new school to register after a busy and exhausting day.  It wasn’t ideal timing, but due to receiving a run-around from the school’s front desk that was the only remaining option.  It was an experience. 

After going through the interview process which she surprised the interviewer by her desire to show off by going above & beyond with her answers to his questions, she overheard me tell him that I still wasn’t sure that we were going to enroll her.  Upon hearing this, her legs gave out and she turned into a heap on the floor exclaiming, “I will just DIE if I don’t get to see my friends everyday!” 

At this point, I turned to the interviewer and asked if his pre-school had a drama program. 


(This was a photo of Lauren during a church program.  She kicked off her shoes and began the comedy show.  She was supposed to be singing a song with the other kids but instead we were watching the beginning of her comedy act.  She did a great job of making the parents laugh).

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Dawn said...

She's a cutie! Good luck with your decision!

Unknown said...


I think putting her in the preschool program would be wonderful!

Melinda said...

I've been struggling with the same decision...but for different reasons. I HATE the fact that Pre-K is all day everyday! I am already having separation anxiety : )

She is too cute and I know that whatever decision you make will be the right one for her!

Miranda said...

I want to know what you decided. I did put my 4 yr old in Pre K and I'm glad I did. She was ready for Kinder this year and both experiences were smooth sailing. I was also worried she'd be bored but the local school offers so much more than going over colors, shapes and the alphabet!
And that is TOO cute about the church play. LOL Goodness, she does speak well for her age.